The Life of Faith
We’d Like to Have
“Now Abraham was old,
advanced in age; and the LORD had blessed Abraham in every way.” -Genesis 24:1
Abraham was one of the most blessed men the world has
known. When Abraham dies in Genesis
chapter 25, verse 8 says he “died in a ripe old age, an old man and satisfied
with life.” Part of me asks, how could
Abraham not be satisfied with life? He
was extremely wealthy, he had a beautiful wife, he had a close relationship
with God, he had a healthy family, he knew his family was going to be blessed
by God in the future, and he lived a long life.
I know that Abraham faced difficulties in his faith. And I’m sure his wealth brought its own
unique temptations. But even in those
difficulties, things always seemed to work out in the end. In many ways, it seems a charmed life – close
with God, and “blessed in every way,” as Genesis 24:1 says.
Wouldn’t we love to have Abraham’s life of faith? A few challenges along the way, but a life
that walks with God and has tragedy-free happiness most of the time? Most people’s reality is very different. In fact, we find many people in the Bible who
were expected to be faithful to God in spite of gut-wrenching circumstances: