Sexual Sin Doesn’t Really Hurt You?
We just finished a Sunday morning study of Proverbs, which
challenges us to trust God’s way over the empty promises of the world. One of the warnings comes in Proverbs
chapters 5-7, where the voice of a father tells his son that if he gives in to
the temptations of sexual sin, the end of that choice will feel “bitter” and “sharp
as a two-edged sword” (Prov. 5:4).
One of Satan’s lies to our
modern culture is that sexual sin is not really a big deal. In fact, culture claims, sexual activity is
just ‘having fun’ and an expected part of growing up and maturing. Waiting for marriage and being faithful, we are told, is just
old-fashioned. (In fact, several years
ago I heard a popular talk-show host say that as a culture she feels “we are
past” the need for marriage.) The world
claims that sexual sin really doesn’t result in hurt, like the pain of bitterness or a
sword as described in the Proverbs.
So is God right or not?