Thoughts On The Day Same-Sex Marriage Became Legal
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My phone made its familiar sound that told me there was a
news update, so I glanced down to see what was going on. “Supreme Court Declares Same-Sex Marriages
Legal in All 50 States.” I didn’t really
have a reaction, just setting the phone back down and getting back to work. Given our cultural and political climate, I don’t
think many people are surprised. More
than anything, I just thought about enduring another day of people in the media
shouting about it.
First, I hope
we remember that “legal” and “right” are not the same thing. The American government is not the judge of
what is morally right (though people sometimes act like they think it is). Adultery is sinful before God, but it is
legal. Abortion is sinful before God,
but it is legal. Getting drunk is
sinful, but it is legal. Lying is
sinful, but it is in most cases legal.
We could go on and on. There are
many things that are legal, but they’re not right in God’s eyes. God’s
truth has not changed today. Today just
adds one more item to the list of issues where we must show people that God’s
truth is wiser than what our culture says is OK.
Second , I
hope we remember that we must treat all people with the love and patience of
Christ, even if they are celebrating sexual sin. I’m sure many will celebrate today that
somehow a great wrong has ended in our country.
Much of the celebration will be taunting people of faith. We will be tempted to forget who we are and
shout back with an un-Christ-like attitude.
It’s probably a good day to remember that Jesus was mocked and reviled,
and yet He “committed no sin, nor was any deceit found in His mouth;” He “did
not revile in return,” but “kept entrusting Himself to Him who judges
righteously.” (1 Peter 2:21-23). God sees the celebration as well; if you must
speak, speak kindly, and trust the God who judges righteously to act in His
Third, I hope
we remember that Christians have been here before, and the gospel flourished
anyway. The first-century Roman empire
of Jesus and Paul celebrated homosexuality far more even than our own culture
does, and yet Jesus and Paul and other believers still taught the truth boldly
and lovingly about God’s design for marriage and sexuality. The Roman government certainly didn’t line up
with Christian teaching in many ways, and yet the church grew and flourished
anyway. God is still alive and working,
and so we will keep teaching what the Bible says whether it is popular or not,
and hopefully we will teach it in a way that helps others see God’s
Fourth, I hope
we will notice that not much has really changed today in the big picture. Same-sex
relationships were already legal, and people could already choose how they
wanted to act sexually. God gave us all
the freedom of choice to make those decisions.
Yes, same-sex marriages can now receive the same marriage certificates
and tax breaks that husbands and wives receive.
It is a small victory for sin, because the government’s approval encourages
people to accept it as a valid moral choice for themselves, but that message of
cultural approval has already been going on in media outlets for years
now. And so our responsibility before
God certainly hasn’t changed today: to keep living for God and keep encouraging
a sinful world to come back to Him.
Tomorrow, we will wake up in the same world we’ve always been in: people
making their own spiritual choices, and God’s people trying to shine His light.
Fifth, I hope
we remember that Christians never really “lose.” We have a deeper hope in Christ, much deeper
than just trying to get our government to line up with God on every issue. We are part of something far more important. That’s why Paul could write in Romans chapter
8 about persecution and difficulty (v. 18,35-36), and yet be filled with a deep
sense of victory: “But in all these things we overwhelmingly conquer through
Him who loved us” (v. 37). “What then
shall we say to these things? If God is
for us, who is against us?” (v. 31). I
suppose every time a soul (or a country) rejects God, you could say that the
truth “lost” that time. But in the big
picture, we are promised that God wins, and so His people win with Him. Today is just another day to remind us that
God’s kingdom and the kingdoms of the world are not the same, and that this
world is not our home.
I understand why some Christians would feel upset today. I agree that the national conversation on homosexuality has
been a little silly and one-sided, but that’s the way the world goes sometimes. To say sexual desires and actions are the
same as being born black or white is simply not true. To say that Christians are “hateful” for
teaching that there is a proper way to conduct ourselves sexually is dishonestly
representing Christianity. Those
conversations will continue, and I’m hopeful the world will calm down and look
at those issues a little more honestly than they have the last few years. Who knows, maybe today’s ruling will even allow
those conversations to take place in a better tone.
So while I understand feeling upset, my
first reaction is that we have bigger things to do than stay that way. I hope we’ll see the bigger picture we are part of. Let’s read the headline, let's reflect on the world we are in, and then let’s get
back to work…
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